
Achieving Sustainable Growth with Society

In accordance with the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Sustainability Policy, SGL aims to be a global organization that contributes broadly to society through its sound business activities.

Material Issues

Six Material Issues to Achieve Sustainable Growth with Society

The basis for the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s operations can be found in Sumitomo’s Business Philosophy, which has formed the foundation for Sumitomo’s sustainable development over the course of 400 years. One of the credos of this philosophy states: “Benefit for self and others, private and public interests are one and the same.” We interpret this credo advocates Sumitomo’s business activities must benefit not only Sumitomo, but also society around us to achieve sustainable growth together. 

This credo has been incorporated into Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Corporate Mission Statement. Guided by our Corporate Mission Statement, we have continued to conduct our business activities with the aim of being a global organization that constantly stays a step ahead in dealing with change, creates new value, and contributes broadly to society

It is important to reconsider how we should address social issues through our business activities. To achieve sustainable growth together with society into the future, we have identified material issues that we should address with priority by leveraging our strengths in line with Sumitomo’s Business Philosophy and Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Corporate Mission Statement.

Achieving Harmony with the Global Environment

To realize recycling-oriented society and mitigate climate change, we are working to establish frameworks for the efficient use of resources and stable supply of renewable energy. In doing so, we will achieve growth in harmony with the global environment.

Contributing to the Development of Local Communities and Industries

We steadily procure and provide goods and services to meet the needs of people in various countries and regions and contribute to developing industrial platforms. Through these means, we will create a virtuous cycle in which we can grow and develop together with local communities.

Establishing a Foundation for Comfortable and Enriching Lifestyles

We strive to realize more convenient and comfortable lifestyles by providing goods and services for daily use while also responding to needs for high-quality lifestyles in order to support the physical and mental health of people around the world.

Providing Diverse “Accessibility”

We provide diverse accessibility to open up the possibility of creating new value. To this end, we will improve mobility for safe and efficient flow of people and goods, and expand the network connecting information and finance.

As a prerequisite for resolving the issues listed above, we strive to maintain and enhance our Management Style that places prime importance on integrity and sound management with utmost respect for the individual and our Corporate Culture full of vitality and conducive to innovation.

Developing Human Resources and Promoting Diversity

In order to create new value and innovation by allowing our diverse personnel to fully exercise their abilities in a variety of fields, we will promote the development and empowerment of human resources, which represent our most important management resources.

Enhancing Governance

We will enhance our ability to draft and implement strategies for achieving sustainable growth and to provide appropriate supervision of these strategies, all while maintaining transparency. In this manner, we will improve management efficiency and maintain sound management.


CSR Initiatives for Supply Chain Management

The Sumitomo Corporation Group has established the CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management. Through the implementation of these guidelines, we are aiming to realize a sustainable society by working together with our suppliers and business partners to achieve responsible value chain management. The Company provides numerous opportunities to promote the understanding and entrenchment of these guidelines, including training for new employees and locally hired employees, meetings within business units and domestic and overseas regional organizations, and pre-departure briefings with employees being sent on overseas assignments.

In the event that we find violations of these guidelines in our supply chains, we will urge the suppliers, business partners or contractors, etc. to remedy and improve the situation, while providing support to them as needed. However, if there are no improvements to the situation by them, we will consider carefully whether to continue our business with them or not.

The Sumitomo Corporation Group CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management

Established in November 2009
Revised in November 2013

The Sumitomo Corporation Group aims to be a global organization that, by constantly staying a step ahead in dealing with change, creating new value, and contributing broadly to society, strives to achieve prosperity and realize the dreams of all our stakeholders through sound business activities in strict adherence to our Corporate Mission Statement, and the management style principle contained therein, wherein prime importance is given to integrity and sound management with the utmost respect being paid to the individual.

In order to promote sustainability and social wellbeing in accordance with our mission, the Sumitomo Corporation Group hereby sets down these CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chain Management. With a view to further strengthening the global relations which form one of the foundations of our core competence of integrated corporate strength, we request our suppliers and business partners to kindly accept, understand, and practice these guidelines so that together we can achieve responsible value chain management.

Our suppliers and business partners are expected to:

1.   Respect human rights and not to be complicit in human rights abuses
2.   Prevent forced labor, child labor and the payment of unfairly low wages
3.   Not engage in discriminatory employment practices
4.   Respect the rights of employees to associate freely in order to ensure open and fair negotiations between labor and management
5.   Provide employees with safe and healthy work environments
6.   Protect the global environment and give due consideration to biodiversity
7.   Ensure the quality and safety of products and services
8.   Ensure fair business transactions, to abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and to prevent extortion, bribery and all other forms of corrupt business practices
9.   Ensure appropriate information security
10. Cooperate with members of local host communities and contribute to sustainable regional development
 Disclose information regarding the above in a manner both timely and appropriate.

Respect for Human Rights

Sumitomo Corporation Group’s Human Rights Policy

Established in May 2020 

Sumitomo Corporation declares in its management principles that it aims to be a global organization that contributes broadly to society and places prime importance on utmost respect for the individual. We will respect human rights to fulfill our corporate social responsibility, and pursue sustainable growth with society.

Sumitomo Corporation became a signatory in 2009 to the “Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact”, which advocates for values common to its own management principles, including those regarding human rights and labor. We also respect the “International Bill of Human Rights” and the International Labor Organization’s “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”, and we operate in accordance with the “United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”.

1.   Scope of application
Sumitomo Corporation endeavors to ensure that all executives and employees within its group fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights. In addition, we encourage our suppliers and business partners to accept, understand and practice this policy so that we can work together to fulfill our social responsibilities, including respect for human rights in the relevant value chain.
Sumitomo Corporation endeavors to ensure that all executives and employees within its group fulfill their responsibility to respect human rights. In addition, we encourage our suppliers and business partners to accept, understand and practice this policy so that we can work together to fulfill our social responsibilities, including respect for human rights in the relevant value chain.

2.   Human rights due diligence
Sumitomo Corporation strives to identify and to prevent or mitigate any adverse impact on human rights through the application of human rights due diligence processes. Where we identify that our group’s practices have caused or contributed to an adverse impact on human rights, we will endeavor to take appropriate remedial measures.
Sumitomo Corporation strives to identify and to prevent or mitigate any adverse impact on human rights through the application of human rights due diligence processes. Where we identify that our group’s practices have caused or contributed to an adverse impact on human rights, we will endeavor to take appropriate remedial measures.

3.   Compliance with relevant laws
Sumitomo Corporation will comply with national and regional laws and regulations applicable to its group operations. When those laws and regulations are incompatible with internationally recognized human rights, we will seek to employ measures to respect international human rights norms.
Sumitomo Corporation will comply with national and regional laws and regulations applicable to its group operations. When those laws and regulations are incompatible with internationally re
cognized human rights, we will seek to employ measures to respect international human rights norms.

4.   Stakeholder engagement
Sumitomo Corporation will seek to improve and progress human rights measures through engagement and dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
Sumitomo Corporation will seek to improve and progress human rights measures through engagement and dialogue with relevant stakeholders.

5.   Education
Sumitomo Corporation will appropriately educate its executives and employees within its group in order to ensure that this human rights policy is understood and implemented effectively.
Sumitomo Corporation will appropriately educate its executives and employees within its group in order to ensure that this human rights policy is understood and implemented effectively.

6.   Reporting
Sumitomo Corporation will disclose appropriate information regarding its efforts to respect human rights.

See: Efforts to Address the UN Global Compact

Sumitomo Corporation Group Statement for UK Modern Slavery Act 2015

Sumitomo Corporation Group has set out the steps to help ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in its business or supply chains.

As a company of Sumitomo Corporation Group, the board of directors of Sumisho Global Logistics Co., Ltd. has approved the Sumitomo Corporation Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement published on September 27, 2021.

FY 2020 Statement(PDF/1.90MB)


Efforts to Address the UN Global Compact

In March 2009, the Sumitomo Corporation Group signed the UN Global Compact and declared its support for the 10 principles, as this international CSR-related initiative shares the same values as our Corporate Mission Statement. We are raising the awareness of our officers and employees around the world regarding their purpose and making efforts to further increasing our corporate value by constantly seeking out areas of our business activities that can be improved in light of the values advocated by the 10 principles.

We are also actively participating in the activities of Japan’s local network, Global Compact Network Japan, as one of the board member companies. In fiscal 2017, we took part in working groups on: environmental management related to climate change, biodiversity and other environmental issues; reporting; human rights due diligence; SDGs; and SRI/ESG. Through this involvement, we acquire information on recent global trends in these areas, learn of examples of superior initiatives, and are provided insight from specialists. This knowledge is utilized to help the Company promote CSR.

What is the Global Compact?

The Global Compact (GC) was proposed by the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan at the World Economic Forum (in Davos) in 1999 and officially launched in 2000 at the UN Headquarters in New York. The GC is an initiative aimed at realizing the sustainable growth of the global economy through the voluntary participation of businesses in a worldwide network. The UN invites companies and organizations from around the world to join in the GC and currently has over 13,000 companies and organizations from approximately 160 countries participating. The GC has compiled 10 universal principles recognized by the international community based on international agreements in the areas of human rights, labour standards, environment and anti-corruption. Participating companies adopt the 10 principles into their business operations and strategies and are expected to assume responsible and creative leadership as a good corporate citizen for the purpose of achieving sustainable growth.

The Global Compact's 10 Principles

Human Rights

1.   Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and

2.   make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Labour Standards

3.   Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;

4.   the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;

5.   the effective abolition of child labour; and

6.   the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

7.   Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;

8.   undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and

9.   encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

10. Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

We also support the Universal Declaraion of Human Rights, which the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact are derived from.

Social and Environmental Activities

"SGLT  has implement  the environmental control rules for control subcontractors , supplier ,vender as an "Environment Regulation" , in order to prevent from any kind of doing that may
 impact to environment. Moreover SGLT has doing environment  inspection by the professional inspector who has got license to do  inspect  work environments; heat, illumination, noise and dust in work place subject to laws. "

Sumitomo Corporation Group Environmental Policy

Basic Policy

The Sumitomo Corporation Group recognizes that environmental issues are global in scale and that they are long-range concerns affecting future generations. As a global organization, the Sumitomo Corporation Group, through sound business activities, will strive to achieve sustainable development aimed at both social and economic progress and environmental preservation.

Basic Guidelines

In pursuing its diversified business activities both within Japan and overseas, the Sumitomo Corporation Group shall comply with the following guidelines, and, through cooperation between its Group companies, work to achieve the aims of its environmental Basic Policy.

1. Basic stance with regard to the environment:
To place great importance on protecting the global environment as a good corporate citizen in accordance with the Sumitomo Corporation's Activity Guidelines.

2. Compliance with environmental legislation:
To strictly observe legislation related to environmental matters not only in Japan but also overseas, and to abide by any agreements made.

3. Caring for the natural environment:
To place great importance on preserving the environment, including the natural ecosystem and biodiversity.

4. Response to climate change:
To place great importance on mitigating climate change and adapting to its impact.

5. Efficient use of resources and energy:
To be mindful of the finite availability of resources and energy and strive to use them both efficiently and effectively.

6. Contributing to the building of a recycling-oriented society:
To endeavor to help build a recycling-oriented society by reducing waste and reusing and recycling resources.

7. Promotion of businesses that contribute to environmental preservation:
To utilize our integrated corporate strength to promote businesses and projects, which contribute to environmental preservation and reduction of the impact of society on the natural environment.

8. Disclosure of the Environmental Policy:
To communicate this Environmental Policy to all people who are working for or on behalf of the Sumitomo Corporation Group, as well as disclosing it externally.